Thursday, March 5, 2009

1. Reality of Geography

1.Geography Understanding according to some experts for example as follows.

Geography is science that portray and depict about earth situation.

b.Alexandria, Claudius Ptolomeus
Geography is a elementary body hits earth as [the] human residence.

c.Karl Ritther
Karl Ritcher and its friend, Friederich Ratzel and Elsworth Huntington tied to someone's apron string by deterministic stream that assume nature very determines human life. Whereas in 1800 Paul Vidal de la Blache brings stream posibilisme, that is stream that believe that human haves big opportunity to determine its life pattern.

d.Preston E. James
Geography is mains from science because benya science that assessed begin at earth situation.

e.Prof. Bintarto
Geography is science that elaborate or explain earth characteristics, analysis of nature symptoms and resident, and study features hits earth in room and time.

In book Geography a Spatial Interaction tells geography is interacting between room.

g.Seminar and Lokakarya Ikatan Geografi Indonesia (Semlok IGI)
Geography is science/knowledge that study equation and phenomenon difference geosfer with viewpoint to environment and to [the] region an in the context of to room.

2.Elements in common in geography, that is as follows.

a.Geography are entered earth science with earth as surface object. Geography can develop environment and human environment habitat.

b.Geography pay attentions persebaran human in room and human relation/link with environment.

c.Main Elements geography for example distance, interaction, movement and spreading.